By Randy Rossi -
This picture below is of a 15 week old fetus in the womb of its mother. Look carefully at its face. Now you know why 78% of women who want an abortion and are shown a sonogram of their baby change their minds and don’t have the abortion. After seeing this sonogram, they realize that they would be killing a human baby! Look at this picture and consider the fact that 62 million human babies like this have been killed in the U.S. since Roe V. Wade.
This picture also explains why 95% of the countries in Europe do not allow abortions after just 12 weeks except to save the life or health of the mother. Roe v. Wade made abortion a woman’s right until “viability” (defined as 23 weeks) which back then was before sonograms and modern science in 1971, 50 years ago. Now thanks to new technology, any rational human being can see from this picture that killing this infant would be killing another human being. Yet many states in America allow abortion up to the moment of birth. That is clearly murder.
As a hunter for roughly 60 years to put food on my table, I have done a lot of killing. But after I helped birth a calf on the farm when I was 13 years old, I realized that the one thing I could never kill was a baby in the womb of its mother. As you look at this picture, ask yourself how a pregnant mother could kill her baby? The fact that 78% of pregnant women who want an abortion change their minds when they see a sonogram of their baby tells you all you need to know. They suddenly realize that they would be killing a human infant. Ignorance is the primary foundation of abortion.
Europe got this right and America got it wrong. Let’s hope that at the very least, the Supreme Court lets science and logic rule; abortion after 12 weeks should be illegal except to save the life or health of the mother. How can any moral person disagree? 78% of pregnant women who want to have an abortion change their minds when they see this proof of life. Only barbaric nations like China, North Korea, and some states in the US allow late term abortions. I would hope that most Americans don’t want to be barbarians like them!
Please share this with as many people as possible to help logic and morality rule, not hysterical ignorance as abortion is under review at the Supreme Court. At the very least, they should restrict abortion to the 12th week except to save the life or health of the mother as 95% of Europe has. No moral person could kill the baby in this picture except to save the life and health of the mother!