Lake Co Board member Dick Barr
By Nancy Thorner -
The annual picnic of the Republican Assembly of Lake County was held on Sunday, September 20, 2020, at a shelter in the Lakewood Forest Preserve, Wauconda, IL.
The main goal and purpose of the Republican Assembly of Lake County is to recruit, educate, train and motivate individuals to run for public office who are irrevocably committed to uphold and fight for Constitutional principles and the preservation of the Republic, State and County. Glen Garamoni is Chairman.
The RALC meets ten months of the year on the 3rd Thursday, 7 p.m., at the Republican Headquarters in Grayslake. Its next meeting is on November 19th, 2020.
Prior to the introduction of elected politicians and candidates in Lake County, IL, Chairman Garamoni read the following prepared thoughts:
We are living in some dangerous and scary times. Anarchy, communist-led riots with killings and arson, threats to burn down this nation if Trump nominates a replacement for Justice Ginsberg, unprecedented hatred and division, concerted plans to neutralize and destroy our police departments, conspiracies to steal the elections, politically motivated prosecutions for clear cut cases of self-defense, unrelenting attacks on our constitutional rights, a mainstream media that hates Middle America, a mainstream media that is an organ of the political left, a mainstream media that further views Trump and his followers as enemies, and a Democrat Lake County Board that would ban almost all of our normal activities if the the occasion arose.
These are times of much opportunity. What we do individually can save America. Our freedoms, and our country as we know it depend on re-electing our president, sending people to Congress who will uphold and defend the Constitution, and sending people to Springfield who will oppose the corruption and constant, un-abating taxpayer abuse. We must try our best to elect county-wide officers who for us, not for the Democrat machine. We are under a very serious obligation to return the Lake County Board to Republican control, in order that we remain citizens rather than subjects like in Cook County.
Upon thanking the Republican candidates in attendance for stepping up to the plate in order to return our county, our state, and our country to We the People, and One Nation Under God, Garamoni introduced the candidates.
Each candidate introduced himself/herself to the gathering of RALC members and friends.

Jeanne Ives: Candidate in 6th District for U.S. Congress, Jeanne had a very important message to voters in the 6th District in her bid to defeat Sean Casten, first term Democrat in U.S. House of Representatives.
Although Casten presents himself as a "moderate outsider," does the following sound like a "moderate outsider" to you?
- He called for an assault weapons ban and increased gun control.
- He doesn’t want you to be able to defend yourself or your family.
- He defended the anarchists who have been burning down our nation’s cities for months.
- He would raise taxes on 90% of Americans.
- He has learned how to use government to help his own businesses.
- He hasn't passed one piece of legislation in his time in office.
- And he doubled down on Nancy Pelosi’s socialist policy agenda. According to Heritage Action, Sean is more left than AOC.
Jim Walsh: A medical physicist is running against incumbent Democrat Sam Yinglng in IL House of Representative, District 62.
Walsh's three main issues are pensions, school funding reform, and property taxes.
- Pensions represent 24% of the Government budget in IL. Walsh's proposed changes to the system will fulfill current promises and make the system a more sustainable one.
- The state of Illinois funds for school are at an embarrassingly low 26.9%. Illinois needs to up its commitment to our children so they can get a great education while not breaking the backs of Property Taxpayers. Walsh believe schools should be opened and favors a rebate of our property taxes which so to public schools.
- Property Taxpayers in Lake County pay one of the highest property tax burdens in one of the highest property taxed states in the nation. Major changes are needed in Springfield.
Christopher Kasperski: Running for IL Senate in District 31 to unseat incumbent Melinda Bush.
Christopher believes in teamwork and attention to detail. He wants to be a problem solver. The corruption in IL has damaged the state's reputation. We need new representation that will not prop-up the leadership that has allowed public corruption to go unchecked.
Senator Melinda Bush has voted for every tax increase. She also sponsored expanding the sweeping abortion rights bill.
Lauren Fleming: Challenging Sandy Hart, Lake County Board Chairman, District 13. As a small business owner, Lauren worked to put herself through college. Lauren said that Democrat leadership of the Lake County Board under chairman Hart's leadership is failing its residents. Lake County is beginning to look like Cook County.
Lauren wants to fight property tax hikes; advocate for small business; ensure transparent government; safeguard schools and neighborhoods; and preserve our natural resources.
Matthew Duray spoke on behalf of Jim Oberweis who is challenging incumbent Lauren Underwood in the U.S. House, Illinois District 14. Matthew stated that Ms. Underwood is further to the left than AOC. Oberweis will shortly be having a meeting with the White House Campaign Team.
Emilia Czyszczon: Challenging incumbent Democrat Mary Ellen Vanderventer for Lake County Recorder of Deeds. it has long been proposed that the Recorder of Deeds office be merged with the Clerk's office. Emilia supports the merging of Lake County’s two offices.
Gloria Rodriguez: Running for Lake County Circuit Clerk's office against incumbent Erin Weinstein.
Gloria is not what the typical Republican looks like. Having lived in Florida much of her life, Bolivia is her home country. She's often assumed to be a Democrat. Gloria resents that the Republican Party is labeled "racist," as the GOP is the party that initially fought for Civil Rights.
Senator Dan McConchie: Not up for election this year in IL, McConchie represents the 26th District in the Senate. Dan initially spoke on behalf of Chris Bos, candidate for IL House of Representatives, District 51, berating the corruption and hypocrisy that exists in the state legislature in Springfield.
Following, Dan strongly urged that voters vote NO on the fair tax amendment, which would change Illinois's tax structure from a flat tax to a progressive tax. This would give Springfield greater ability to tax. No one will be safe from higher taxes if we vote for this amendment. In Illinois pensions aren't taxed, but with the fair tax would enable this to happen.
Dick Barr: Represents District 3 on the Lake County Board. Said Barr, "Even though the Republican Party is the party of fun, while the Democrat Party is one of doom and gloom, the Republican Party is in a crisis in Lake County."
Due to a Blue Wave in 2018 when Republicans stayed home, Republican control of the Board came to an end. It's now in the hands of the Democrats after 100 years of being under Republican control. Under Democrat control, taxes have been increased by $50 million dollars.
When taking over the Board, Democrat members also prohibited free speech of board members, designating harassment and bullying as offenses, both of which are subject to the whims of those enforcing the rule.
The biggest issue remains the progressive income tax. Not only would a progressive income tax hike end up taking more money directly from all taxpayers’ pockets, but it wouldn't come close to solving Illinois's debt problem.
Barr also recommended we vote in person before November 3rd, but that we also have a mail-in ballot available as a back-up plan.
Senator Craig Wilcox: Senator for the 32nd District of Illinois, Wilcox is a strong taxpayer advocate voice for McHenry and Lake Counties. Senator Wilcox partners to work in Springfield with Senator Dan McConchie of the 26th District.
State's Attorney Mark Nerheim: Running for re-election as Lake County State's Attorney, Mario Sankus spoke on behalf of Mark Nerheim. Nerheim was described as a straight shooter and one who upholds the rule of law.
Jacob Porwicz: Head of Young Americans for Freedom at CLC in Grayslake. Jacob described the group as "a very diverse group of Republicans". . . "the most diverse group on campus," and himself "as one who will never back down or let the other side win."
Mark Curran: Running against U.S. IL Senator Dick Durbin, Jim Hawkins spoke on behalf of Mark Curran. Said Hawkins, "Curran believes he can turn the Senate seat Republican, because as a law and order person he is a better person to send to Washington, D.C."
Appellate Court Justices Mary Schostok and Ann Jorgensen: A letter was read by Chairman Garamoni from Schostok and Jorgensen asking for votes of retention on the Nov. 3rd ballot. Both are Constitutionalist judges who will rule in accordance with the Constitution, in contrast to activist judges.
The fine slate of Republican candidates in Lake County asked for help in knocking on doors in their districts to turn out voters.
Please do volunteer to help candidates in other counties and districts to get the vote out in what has become a very pivotal election for this nation.