By John F. Di Leo, Opinion Contributor
On Sunday, December 1, 2024, with less than 50 days left of his criminal residency in the White House, Joe Biden issued an expansive pardon to his son Hunter, covering any crime Hunter may have committed, whether charged or not, in the ten years between December 1, 2014 and the present.
This sounds like it protects Hunter completely, because almost all crimes have a statute of limitations of under ten years. It isn’t actually as comprehensive as it looks, because there are a number of crimes, such as murder, war crimes, genocide and treason, which do not have statutes of limitations at all. But since Hunter was unlikely to have been involved in those sorts of things prior to 2014, he’s probably safe.
So far.
The pardon can’t protect him a bit from prosecution for crimes he may commit in the future, however, such as the commission of perjury in a future trial of someone else, at which he could conceivably be a key witness.
And those trials must still be held.
What the Biden-Harris regime has failed to appreciate – or perhaps they appreciated it, but they wanted to ensure that the mainstream media didn’t – is that Hunter Biden was never really a target of the American public. As far as most Americans are concerned, he’s just another dope-addled rich kid, the screwup son of a rich and powerful man, a punk who acts out with drugs and women, more to be pitied than hated, more in need of counseling than prosecution.
With one exception.
Hunter Biden is the linchpin, the key to much of the corrupt Biden family’s criminality.
There are things which have not yet been prosecuted, but which everyone knows, and the Biden family has been using their power to run out the clock for years on it all.
Remember what has already been exposed, in congressional testimony and in books such as Peter Schweizer’s “Secret Empires” and “Profiles in Corruption.” (note, Gentle Reader, that this writer doesn’t even need to use the word “alleged,” because the Biden family’s guilt has already been proven in congressional testimony).
For years, the Biden family was involved in numerous corrupt business dealings in oil and natural gas development in China and Ukraine. For years, the Biden family received numerous payments for consulting services that Hunter was unqualified to provide, from Russia, China, Kazakhstan, and other notoriously corrupt foreign countries, payments that always included a 10% portion for “The Big Guy.”
For years, Joe Biden shared office space with his son Hunter, while claiming to have had nothing to do with Hunter’s business dealings – despite the fact that the only commodity Hunter Biden ever had available to sell was his father. For years, numerous banks referred hundreds of suspicious activity reports to the IRS and the DoJ, stemming from the twenty shell companies that the Biden family had created and the suspicious transactions that kept being laundered between them all.
And in the most recent few years, since his father entered the Oval Office and his old form of bribery-facilitation became riskier, Hunter Biden became an artist in a cockeyed new medium, and began selling his “paintings” for hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece. Nobody thinks they’re worth it – nobody – but they still sold for impossibly high prices. Some analysts tried their best to deceive themselves that for some collectors, having a Hunter Biden portrait in their collection would be worth the money for its excitement value, if not its quality. But most observers logically concluded, if this isn’t just another means of money-laundering, we’d all like to know what it is.
The FBI and IRS had the evidence all along; they didn’t prosecute because the FBI and IRS were in Democrat hands, and Joe Biden was the top Democrat.
We were all told to think that any prosecution of Hunter would just be nasty attacks on a president’s son, and were therefore merely slimy political tactics, nothing more.
But in reality, the Right has been certain for years that Joe Biden is the criminal – selling his influence, selling his connections, selling his office – both as Vice President during the Obama years and as whatever the heck the dementia-ridden old crook has been for these past four years.
Hunter Biden was never the target; nor was his uncle Jim or his uncle Frank. When a private citizen funnels other people’s money to an elective officeholder, he is at best an accessory in tax evasion, but most likely something much worse.
Look at the sources of these millions. You don’t pay someone six figures per month just for the opportunity to have a vice president’s ear; no ear is worth that kind of money.
You must be getting a lot more than an ear. You must be getting policy support, whether that means the green-flagging of a permit or the delivery of a federal grant, or the issuance of an export license to bypass ITAR or EAR export controls, or some other federal policy action that illegally places American tax dollars or other American interests in the service of the person offering the bribe.
Nothing less can explain the kinds of dollars we’re talking about here. And nothing else explains the need for these dozens of shell companies and convoluted financial transfers.
The target of all this is Joe Biden. He can’t pardon himself, so he pardoned his son, the linchpin, in the hope that this pardon would cause the incoming Trump administration to give up the pursuit for good.
They don’t understand the MAGA movement.
We don’t need to put Hunter Biden in jail. He’s a mess of a man, a slave to his addictions and an embarrassment to his family. That’s enough punishment for him on earth.
But what we do need to do is to expose the corruption of the leviathan, and a large part of that corruption is exemplified by the Biden crime family, the complex network of shell companies, fake consultancy gigs, and government-funded international junkets that enable criminal actors all over the world to turn the American treasury upside down and help themselves to the contents of Washington’s pockets.
The groundwork is laid. Peter Schweizer’s books and Rep. Comer’s congressional hearings have gathered the evidence. But authors and congressmen don’t have prosecutorial powers. All America needs now is a Department of Justice ready to enforce the law.
Because of the pardon, Hunter Biden himself can’t be convicted or imprisoned. But he can be compelled to testify, and if he lies under oath in 2025, his pardon for crimes committed from 2014 to 2024 won’t do him a bit of good. He hardly even has to do or say much; the data is already there and just needs to be presented. But there are questions we can ask.
Who did the bribing? Who facilitated the money-laundering? Who at the FBI and IRS gave the now well-known orders to internal investigators to abandon their investigations? How high does that particular crime channel go at DoJ and Treasury?
Incidentally, we have the opportunity to discover the truth about a nagging suspicion that many observers have had for years.
Why did Biden’s daughter – Ashley Biden – conveniently allow her personal diary, exposing her father’s perversions, to be found? Why did Hunter Biden conveniently allow his laptop, exposing years of crimes and clearly implicating his father, to be easily found as well? Some observers have long suspected that both of these family members may have an unconscious desire to expose the truth and finally see their embarrassment of a father punished for his crimes against them.
Joe Biden’s pardon of his son might make such a cleansing moment more achievable, not less. Wouldn’t that be a touch of irony?
The incoming administration should not be out for retribution; we have too much work to do for such pettiness. But the incoming administration must return America to the rule of law. Finally punishing such crimes against the nation as bribery, money-laundering, and the selling of influence at the highest levels of our government is exactly the prescription our injured republic needs, if we are to have a prayer of being healed.
Copyright 2024 John F Di Leo
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